Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises: Çoktan Seçmeli İleri Seviye Olumlu Cümleler Quiz 8 Online

Past Perfect Continuous Tense konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English are available on .

Choose the option that fits Past Perfect Continuous Tense and completes the sentence correctly.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense’e uygun olan ve cümleyi doğru tamamlayan seçeneği seçin.

1) The birds at dawn, creating a peaceful atmosphere throughout the park.

2) We the new product launch when the manager interrupted us.

3) The firefighters the fire for hours when the building collapsed.

4) I to fix the computer for hours before I called for help.

5) The chef with new recipes for months when he found the perfect dish.

6) The team interviews for weeks when they finally hired a candidate.

7) The managers sales data for weeks when they implemented new pricing strategies.

8) The scientists data for years when the breakthrough was made.

9) The artists on the mural for weeks when it was finally completed.

10) Our neighbors a new fence for weeks when the storm damaged it.

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