Past Continuous Tense Exercises: Çoktan Seçmeli İleri Seviye Olumlu Cümleler Quiz 9 Online

Past Continuous Tense konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Past Continuous Tense in English are available on .

Choose the option that fits Past Continuous Tense and completes the sentence correctly.
Past Continuous Tense’e uygun olan ve cümleyi doğru tamamlayan seçeneği seçin.

1) We with potential clients when the power outage occurred.

2) I to call you earlier when I lost signal.

3) The committee the applications when the decision deadline was extended.

4) The workers a new bridge to improve transportation in the area.

5) The volunteers with the event when they received a message about an emergency.

6) Thomas video games when I called him.

7) I late at the office when the power cut off.

8) The chef the meal when the guest arrived unexpectedly.

9) The neighbors a barbecue when the fire department arrived.

10) The children new skills when the instructor introduced a new game.

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