Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises: Çoktan Seçmeli İleri Seviye Olumlu, Olumsuz Ve Soru Cümleleri Quiz 8 Online

Past Perfect Continuous Tense konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English are available on .

Choose the option that fits Past Perfect Continuous Tense and completes the sentence correctly.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense’e uygun olan ve cümleyi doğru tamamlayan seçeneği seçin.

1) We a movie when the power went out unexpectedly.

2) The students on their group project for weeks when they finished the presentation.

3) The electricians the power lines for hours when the storm hit.

4) These workers the pipeline when the manager arrived.

5) Our parents about the surprise.

6) Some students their projects before the deadline.

7) some children outside before the storm began?

8) those guests the venue before the event ended?

9) When those students the project last semester?

10) What some companies to improve their services last quarter?

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