Present Continuous Tense (İngilizce Şimdiki Zaman) Exercises: Boşluk Doldurma İleri Seviye Olumlu Cümleler Quiz 9 Online

İngilizce Şimdiki Zaman konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Present Continuous Tense in English are available on .

Fill In The Blanks with the correct Present Continuous Tense forms of the given verbs.
Boşlukları verilen fiillerin Present Continuous Tense’e uygun halleriyle doldurun.

1) My colleagues a detailed analysis of the market conditions to inform our next business move.

2) He an article on the future of renewable energy.

3) The customers for a response to their inquiries regarding the new product features.

4) We a training program for new hires.

5) The project team a new framework to improve the efficiency of cross-departmental collaboration.

6) The research group the impact of climate change on local ecosystems in their latest project.

7) They the sales team to better align with the company’s target markets and sales goals.

8) You a conference for industry leaders to discuss the future of renewable energy.

9) You a strategic marketing campaign to increase visibility in emerging markets.

10) He the details of the upcoming merger.

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