Present Continuous Tense (İngilizce Şimdiki Zaman) Exercises: Boşluk Doldurma Orta Seviye Olumlu, Olumsuz Ve Soru Cümleleri Quiz 9 Online

İngilizce Şimdiki Zaman konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Present Continuous Tense in English are available on .

Fill In The Blanks with the correct Present Continuous Tense forms of the given verbs.
Boşlukları verilen fiillerin Present Continuous Tense’e uygun halleriyle doldurun.

1) We a wedding this weekend.

2) She her social media accounts right now.

3) She a marathon this weekend for charity.

4) We the forms yet.

5) She to her colleagues at the moment.

6) I any updates from the manager.

7) we the next team meeting for Thursday?

8) we a break from our tasks soon?

9) Where my colleagues for the weekend?

10) Why they outside?

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