Present Perfect Tense konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Present Perfect Tense in English are available on .
Exercises and quizzes on Present Perfect Tense in English are available on .
Select the correct Present Perfect Tense forms of the given verbs.
Verilen fiillerin Present Perfect Tense’e uygun hallerini seçin.
1) The neighbors us to their party, even though we’ve known them for years.
2) His friend the new art gallery, but he plans to go next week.
3) The athletes enough this week, and it shows in their performance.
4) The artist painting the mural yet, and it’s behind schedule.
5) The artist the painting, so it won’t be displayed at the gallery this week.
6) We the presentation yet, so we’re still preparing.
7) The farmer the crops yet.
8) Her friend at the station yet, and he’s starting to worry.
9) My cousins to visit us this year yet.
10) We on a date for the event yet, and we need to do it soon.
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