Simple Past Tense (İngilizce Geçmiş Zaman) Exercises: Kelime Bankası İleri Seviye Quiz 10 Online

İngilizce Geçmiş Zaman konusuyla ilgili alıştırmalar ve quizler ‘da.
Exercises and quizzes on Simple Past Tense in English are available on .

Select the correct verb and fill the sentences with the correct Simple Past Tense form.
Doğru fiili seçin ve Simple Past Tense’e uygun haliyle cümleleri doldurun.

attend show publish raise complete enact help organize publish present
1) The government new laws to protect wildlife.

2) The volunteers refugees resettle in new communities.

3) Few students the lecture on digital marketing.

4) The artist a new collection at the gallery.

5) The delegation their proposal at the international conference.

6) The activists a massive rally for environmental justice.

7) The scientists a paper on gene editing technology.

8) The scientists their findings in a prestigious journal.

9) A few scientists concerns about climate change.

10) The students their final project on time.

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